Title page: Verzasca
Map of Verzasca
Europe - Switzerland - Ticino - Verzasca - Lavertezzo
Swiss Flag

If you decide to spend some time in Verzasca, fly to Geneva, then go to Locarno or Lugano by train, and then rent a car (buses are operating there of course too)...
Please note that it's hard to survive without Italian in Ticino.

If you find some relevant web sites, please send me links - I'd be glad to put them here.

Tip: You can download any photo from these three ones and use it at your discretion, for instance
as a wallpaper (for your desktop). Resolution supported: 800x600 è 1024x768.

Click here and get this photo of Verzasca free!
Click here and get this photo of Verzasca free!
Click here and get this photo of Verzasca free!
Click here! Communication centre...
